Sedona Retreat

Sedona Retreat
"I’m back in my crazy NY world but with these beautiful mystic feelings from Sedona. I feel Just like a man in “The 4 Agreements” that woke up from his dream and realized he is made of lights…and people have noticed that he had changed but how… Only difference between me and the man is that he had to name himself to remember the dream but, for me as long as I see the Butterflies, Sun, Moon, feel the wind…I know I’m dreaming with awareness and these feelings in my heart will light up my way. It was one of the most naturally powerful spiritual journeys I ever took!!" Helen Yu, March, 2008
Crossing Worlds Journeys and Retreats
"I’m back in my crazy NY world but with these beautiful mystic feelings from Sedona. I feel Just like a man in “The 4 Agreements” that woke up from his dream and realized he is made of lights…and people have noticed that he had changed but how… Only difference between me and the man is that he had to name himself to remember the dream but, for me as long as I see the Butterflies, Sun, Moon, feel the wind…I know I’m dreaming with awareness and these feelings in my heart will light up my way. It was one of the most naturally powerful spiritual journeys I ever took!!" Helen Yu, March, 2008